
How Games are Driving Technological Progress

Games should become more and more intense. Technology and games, therefore, have to mutually adapt. Processors, memory, audio devices, monitors, and power supply units are particularly important factors for a fully-fledged function. New games like sandbox game are therefore drivers for technologies.

Computer games are also conquering the education sector. In the military and medical sector as well as in school education, simulations are gaining in importance as self-learning programs.

Games also offer valuable test platforms for artificial intelligence to test and promote complex thought processes.

How gaming technologies influence innovation

Games should be maximally tangible and even more intense. But to do this, games have to be constantly optimized for modern graphics hardware. But modern processors, memories, audio devices, monitors, and power supplies are also important factors for the full function of increasingly complex games. In order to meet the standard set by the games industry, technology and games, therefore, have to mutually adapt.

Users are also more or less forced to invest in new equipment. Because an innovative game with new effects is simply not fun on an outdated PC. The best example is virtual reality games. The games are meaningless without VR glasses. If you really want to immerse yourself in virtual reality, you have to invest as a user.

Gaming often requires technologies

sandbox game

Some technologies are not yet available as a patented solution on the market. The best example is the development of the Microsoft Vista operating system. The technology development was only made possible by an appropriate hardware base originally developed for games. Today, it is the norm that CPUs, the heart of the computer, are pushed to a gaming level that an ordinary office computer does not need. However, gaming innovations are not only interesting for developers in the hardware area.

The gaming industry is also a strong pioneer when it comes to visualization and simulation. Modern games often focus on graphical representations in real-time focus. A model that has long since found great approval in the private sector. The reason is the wide range of options that offer such programs. Interactive visualizations, e.g. for architectural projects are particularly popular. Models can be changed quickly in small places and the conversion no longer requires a completely new model. This allows more creative freedom.
