
Electric Cars are Crazy Smart!

Electric vehicles are also called intelligent cars. These vehicles are commonly equipped with AI. The concept behind a smart car is freeing the driver from the mundane tasks that come with driving. The goal is to make the driving experience more comfortable and pleasant.

It’s not a New Concept as what most Think

The concept of the smart car has actually been in existence for decades. TV shows and motion pictures occasionally feature cars that have sophisticated AI with some even capable of its independent action and thoughts. While in real life, smart cars are nothing close to what is shown on TVs, the continuing efforts in using most of our existing technology lead to huge innovations in the automobile industry, particularly in the smart car segment.

Car of the Future

The development of smart cars has already led to some serious innovations that serve as commonplace on various makes and models nowadays. An example of this is modern automatic emergency notification system. Here, when the car’s sensors noticed that you are in danger, it will relay a distress signal when there’s a mechanical failure or collision. This happens because the sensors are connected to the central support organization that is built-in to the vehicle.

Such systems are also allowing voice interaction between passengers and drivers and remote personnel who could then alert authorities. Thus, providing immediate rescue and save you from imminent danger.

Features of a Smart Car

Most of the features that are envisioned in the production of a smart car focus more on protection, both on the driver and the car itself. Autonomous cruise control is automatically activated when the road conditions are good enough to maintain consistent speed and thus, minimizing the odds of traveling above the speed limit.

Another thing is the headlamps. It turns on automatically when you’re in a dark location. Then, there is also a lane departure assist and warning system that is activated when the ongoing traffic is present. Nowadays, Tesla is a prime example of a smart car. It has majority of the features that are discussed in this article and if you happen to have one, it 템 추천 to check out some online stores to buy car accessories to make your drive more you.
